Spit excursion

Yesterday I went on an excursion to the spit on the Gold Coast. My whole photography class was asked to come along and photograph things along the beach. It was an exercise to get our brains thinking about what we would like to photograph for our next assessment.

We also had the amazing opportunity of creating a cyanotype beach sheet! For this process we laid down the sheet on the sand and got class members to lie down on the sheet to create a picture with our bodies. We stayed on the sheet for 5 minutes while the sun set down on us creating a blueprint underneath us which was caused by shadow and light. When we got up we could already see the image was imprinted into the sheet, but had to set the image. We then went to the sea water and washed it off into the water for another 5 minutes. This was the end process of the cyanotype sheet. It was so amazing!! 😄

Anyway, I hope you guys have a fantastic week and I will be uploading some edited images of the actual beach on Sunday.



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